So we have a word of prayer. Amen. Heavenly Father, we ask for your Holy Spirit as we take time to study these truths that you're opening at this time. Ask a blessing upon the communication process here with the Zoom meeting that you'll watch over it to make it work well. We ask a blessing upon the truths that we study, that we would have discernment, understanding that they might produce an effect within us that we might more perfectly reflect your character. Please grant us your Holy Spirit and lead in what we're going to share at this time. We ask in Jesus' name, amen. The notes, if you can see them on your screen, is the premise of the history that we're in at this time. And we've been referring to this passage quite a bit, but I want to put a couple things in place as we work down through this presentation. Okay. The Lord has shown me clearly that the image of the beast will be formed before probation closes. Pardon me? No, no, sorry. Okay. That first sentence, what I want to point out is about the formation of the image of the beast and that it takes place before probation closes. Of course, we emphasize that it's our great test by which our eternal destiny will be decided. And then she quotes from Revelation 13 verses 11 through 17, she left off verse 18, but this speaks to a truth about the image of the beast that I'm convinced is one of the primary things that we have to understand that we either don't understand or we understand imperfectly, generally speaking, and it's that there are two images of the beast in Bible prophecy. And in verse 11 of Revelation 13, when the United States speaks as a dragon, it does so by passing the Sunday law and Ellen White-Thompson, the passage of the Sunday law in the United States is what demonstrates that they have formed fully the image of the beast. The formation of the image of the beast is a process and that process is complete at the Sunday law when the United States speaks as a dragon. So verse 11 of Revelation 13 is identifying the Sunday law in the United States, but it's also identifying when the image of the beast in the United States has been fully formed. And then verses 12 through 17 identify the work, the role of the United States to force the whole world to set up their own image of the beast. And if you don't, if you're not familiar with two periods of time where two images of the beast are set up, first in the United States and then in the world, you're missing one of the main truths about the image of the beast text, because these two periods are repeatedly illustrated in inspiration. You can show the cross lining up with 1844 and 1844 lining up with the Sunday law in the United States, therefore the three and a half years of Christ's witness leading to the cross represents the witness that takes place from September 11, 2001 and to the Sunday law. And the three and a half years of the disciples then giving a witness until the stoning of Stephen is representing the history from the Sunday law in the United States until Michael stands up. And you remember when Stephen was stoned, he looked up into heaven and he saw the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God. They're parallel histories. These two histories, the histories of the two images of the beast test have been typified by the 1260 days that Christ in person gave his witness and followed by the 1260 days that the disciples gave the witness. And those two histories are repeatedly represented in the scriptures and until we see that and we become familiar with it, we're second nature to know about it. We miss some of the significance, I believe anyway. For instance, Sister White tells us that when the great buildings of New York City were brought down by a touch of God, the angel of Revelation 18 that was going to lighten the earth with his glory came down and Revelation 18 verses one through three was fulfilled. So the angel that comes down in 9-11, he continues until the Sunday law because at the Sunday law you have the second voice of Revelation 18 in verse four, which is calling God's other children out of Babylon. And in the history of 9-11, when the angel of Revelation 18 descended, when the great buildings of New York City came down, the image of the beast testing time in the United States was underway and it reaches its fulfillment at the Sunday law. And at the Sunday law, the second voice of Revelation 18 calls God's other children, children out of Babylon, and at that point the United States fulfills verses 12-17 of Revelation 13 as it goes to the world and forces them to set up an image of the beast. So what I'm saying is that three quick illustrations, but there are many, many illustrations of these two histories. The history, if you're going to be speaking about the test of the image of the beast, the history of 9-11 to the Sunday law is the image of the beast testing time in the United States by which our eternal destiny will be decided. It is the test we must pass before we're sealed. It's our great test. And from the Sunday law, those people that have passed the test, the 144,000, they're lifted up as an end sign, and the history that unfolds then is every nation on the globe follows the example of the United States, so they have the same testing process going on in the world now that went on in the United States, and it ends when the last nation accepts the Sunday law. Then the image of the beast is fully formed in the world, and every country in the world then is under obligation to worship the Sunday as the day of rest, the world day of rest. That particular Sunday law was typified by the Sunday law that the patricy put in place at the Council of Orleans in 538, and the Sunday law that's typified as the one in the United States was in the year 321 typified by Constantine, the first Sunday law. Constantine, emperor of pagan Rome, pagan Rome, a type of the United States, passes the first Sunday law, the year 321, and it marks the division between the first image of the beast testing process in the United States, which ended at that Sunday law represented by 321, and that initiates the second image of the beast testing time in the entire world that ends when the entire world is finally under the enforcement of a Sunday decree, and that final Sunday decree was marked by 538 when the papacy took control and ruled for 1260 years. These two histories, when it comes to the formation of the image of the beast, the test, we have to be familiar with the two histories because part of what we see going on on the argument that the robbers of the people of the United States is it leads to a prophetic structure that clouds the distinction between these two periods of time, and the first period of time is a period of time that's dedicated to the 144,000 of Revelation 7, and the second period of time is dedicated to the great multitude of Revelation chapter 7, and the great multitude is typified by John the Baptist who died, and the 144,000 were typified by Elijah who did not die, and Elijah and John the Baptist typify the work of God's people at the end, and if you look at the whole thing, it includes those that do not die and those that do die, and each of those two groups represented by Elijah and John the Baptist has a special testing period, which is the image of the beast testing time by which their eternal destiny will be decided, so what I'm saying is as we go down through this study today, I'm arguing that from my understanding, perhaps the most important, but at least one of the primary things that needs to be understood in connection with the formation of the image of the beast, and that's what this first sentence is, the Lord has shown me clearly that the image of the beast will be formed before probation closes, so this test is about how is it formed. We have to understand how it's formed, not from our own private interpretation, by how the formation of that image of the beast is illustrated in God's prophetic word, and thereafter confirmed in history, but the prophetic word comes first, history comes second, not just in the fact that the prophecy predicted a history that would come later, that's true, but also there is an incorrect school of prophetic interpretation, and it was illustrated in the discussion of the King of the North between James White and Uriah Smith, and James White got to the point to where he would summarize the problem with how Uriah Smith was identifying the King of the North, and one of his summary statements went something like this, and this is a paraphrase, but it means exactly what James White was saying, is that, and he didn't, I never see him use his name directly like I'm into, he would say Uriah Smith uses history to establish prophecy, but we're supposed to use prophecy to identify history, and so you need to bear that in mind, that the prediction of God's word is one witness, and when God's word is fulfilled in history, that becomes a second witness, which together with probably many other witnesses, is illustrating whatever's being illustrated in the last days, in the days of the 144,000, and the test of how the image of the beast is formed, the primary foundational part of the test is that it needs to be understood from God's prophetic word, how it is formed needs to be first understood from God's prophetic word, and then history will be confirmed, history will confirm those predictions, and that history can also then be used as another witness of its final fulfillment at the end of time. So, maybe it doesn't seem like an important distinction to you right now, but I'm convinced that it is a very important distinction, that being, not, I'm not talking about the two image of the beast periods now, but the distinction is that to pass the test of the formation of the image of the beast, it needs to be understood that this is a prophetic test. You have to be able to understand what the formation of the image of the beast is from God's word, not from history or from your private interpretation. Sister White says this, but what is the image to the beast and how is it formed? The image is made by the two-horned beast and is an image to the beast. It is also called an image of the beast. Then to learn what the image is like and how it is formed, we must study the characteristics of the the beast itself, the papacy. And then she says, when the early church became corrupted by departing from the simplicity of the gospel and accepting heathen rights and customs, she lost the spirit and power of God. And in order to control the consciences of the people, she sought the support of the secular power. The result was the papacy, a church that controlled the power of the state and employed it to further her own ends, especially for the punishment of heresy. In order for the United States to form an image of the beast, the religious power must so control the civil government that the authority of the state will also be employed by the church to accomplish her own end. So we have prophetic lines that identify how church and state come together, symbols that show them together. It's a primary subject in the Bible, the combination of church and state. And then we have the fact that those predictions of the combination of church and state was fulfilled by the papal power during the 1260 years. And it was not a singular power. The beast that the papacy creates is a twofold power with the woman ruling over the man, the man being the civil power, the former nations of pagan Rome that were gonna support the papacy during the dark ages. And she was the woman ruling over the man. That's what the beast of the papal power is. It's a combination of church and state. How it came together is a subject of prophecy. And it's a subject of prophecy that is identified in prophecy as life or death. So before we move from these first two quotes, the first quote she says, our great test is the formation of the image of the beast. And then in great controversy, she asked the question, how is it to be formed? To learn what the image is like and how it is to be formed, we must study the characteristics of the beast itself, the papacy, and then she described not just the Catholic church, she describes the papacy as the connection between the Catholic church and those governments of Europe that supported her. Okay, so that's what the image of the beast is and prophecy speaks about how it was formed. And one of the classic places where it speaks how it was formed is in 2 Thessalonians chapter two, where pagan Rome is represented by Paul as being the power that restrained papal Rome from taking the throne of the earth until pagan Rome was taken away. And that very prophetic historic fact became the passage in the scriptures where William Miller came to understand that the daily represented pagan Rome in its relationship in Daniel to papal Rome, the abomination of desolation. And the relationship between pagan Rome and papal Rome is in Daniel two represented as iron and clay. In Daniel seven, pagan Rome is called a diverse kingdom and papal Rome is called a diverse king, they're both diverse. Pagan Rome disintegrates into 10 horns and three of those horns have to be removed in Daniel seven in order for the papal horn to be put right into the structure where there was 10 horns and now there was eight because with three removed be replaced by one, the papal horn in Daniel seven becomes the eight that is of the seven. In Daniel chapter eight, pagan and papal Rome are represented as a little horn when it is pagan Rome, it's a masculine little horn when it's papal Rome, it's feminine. So this relationship between pagan Rome and papal Rome according to the Advent historians is the prophetic structure that William Miller built every one of his prophetic applications upon about the relationship between pagan Rome and papal Rome. And the key that solved that for William Miller was coming to understand that the daily in the book of Daniel represented pagan Rome and everywhere that pagan Rome is represented by the daily in Daniel, whether it's Daniel eight or Daniel 11 or Daniel 12, it's in relationship with the papal power which is either called the transgression of desolation when it's mentioned in relation to pagan Rome in Daniel chapter eight, or it's the abomination of desolation when it's mentioned in chapter 11 and 12 of Daniel. Point being is this relationship between the power that restrains the papacy from being identified as a man of sin who sets in the temple of God showing himself that he is God in second Thessalonians chapter two. That relationship between pagan and papal Rome is the very place where William Miller came to understand his foundational understanding which was the relationship between pagan and papal Rome. And he took that understanding and opened up the book of Daniel with a testing message for his generation. And so when you look at where William Miller discovered this revelation of the daily being pagan Rome, Paul in the chapter identifies that there will be two classes of worshipers that are produced by this testing truth. That testing truth being the relationship between pagan Rome and papal Rome. One class it can be demonstrated that is accepting the truth of the relationship between pagan Rome and papal Rome in the last days because even Paul speaking of the last days, the one class who accepts the truth of second Thessalonians chapter two, that pagan Rome that preceded 538 was typifying the United States and that pagan Rome in second Thessalonians that restrained the papacy from taking the throne of the earth typifies the United States of the last days who is the sixth kingdom of Bible prophecy and keep the papacy from taking control of the earth until the Sunday law that that relationship of second Thessalonians that is illustrated by Paul as pagan papal Rome is actually identifying with the witness of Paul's writings and the history that is represented by Pergamos and Thyatira in the book of Revelation with the prophecy and the history as two witnesses saying that in the last days, the relationship between the United States and papal Rome is a subject that if accepted brings with it the latter rain and if rejected brings with it strong delusion. And this corresponds to the parable of the 10 virgins who wake up with a message identifying that behold the bridegroom cometh in the parable of the 10 virgins but it would be wakes up right there in the very last days that these two classes of worshipers in second Thessalonians wake up, one who loves the truth and in the context of the parable of the 10 virgins, they have the oil and the other that doesn't love the truth have strong delusion and they have no oil. So the final test being the image of the beast includes the prophecy and the historical fulfillment of that very prophecy as illustrated in second Thessalonians chapter two and then the history of Pergamos and Thyatira. And it produces a witness at the end of the world that says there will be a class among us who do not understand the relationship of the United States with the papal power and they will be receiving strong delusion but to understand it correctly means that you receive the oil and it means that you're receiving the latter rain in that same time period, okay. So this isn't what I'm dealing with, this is pretty much a recap of some thoughts and then I'm gonna put another recap in place and then we'll bring this to a conclusion, hopefully at a place that you're not expecting, not that I wanna astound you with anything but we're going to a conclusion that isn't self-evident in these initial quotes. There is nothing that the great deceiver fears so much is that we shall become acquainted with his advices, the great controversy, 516. When I got personally drawn into the discussion about whether the United States was the robbers of the people or whether Rome was the robbers of that people, I didn't know where the Lord was gonna lead me and now I know I don't know exactly where he's gonna lead me, I hope he's not done leading me but I've come over the past couple of weeks to a completely different plateau of thought about why this controversy was put in place and it has nothing to do really with the people that hold that the robbers of thy people are the United States. It has to do with the fact that when God wakes up his people in the last days and they have to be woke up brothers and sisters, if you are truly a candidate to be among the 144,000, those of you that are listening on this Zoom or following in some other medium, if you are going to be a candidate to be among the 144,000 then you have to be awoken in the last days because you're gonna be fulfilling the parable of the 10 virgins and the story of the virgins is that they all slept and Jesus identifies death as sleep so the illustrations of the two witnesses being dead or the dead dry bones in the valley now, they're all applied at the same place, same time here in the last days and if you're going to be Ezekiel's army or you're going to be a Moses and Elijah in Revelation that are lifted up into heaven or you're going to be the wise virgins, you have to be awakened, okay? So Satan knows that and he knows that what we get awakened to, whether you understand this or not currently, is what you get awakened to when you finally wake up and the Lord has trouble waking us up but when you finally wake up, one of the things that you have to rub out your eyes and get confronted with is that you were in the final test and it is a prophetic test and you have to pass this test individually and it will be based upon your prophetic aptitude, period. What I just said is accurate, it's not me regurgitating some thoughts I pick up here and there. This is established by the prophetic word. When you wake up, the first thing you need to do is recognize that you are now in a prophetic test. It's the test where your character will ultimately be manifested as either a wise or a foolish virgin. It's illustrated in several lines of prophecy, okay? And one of the ways that it's illustrated is that it's the image of the beast test by which our eternal destiny will be decided but it's illustrated in other ways where the image of the beast test isn't directly referenced but it's still the same test because there's only one history for the 144,000 and their final test is their final test no matter what prophetic line addresses it as, it's still the final test, okay? So for instance, the final test for the virgins is a three-step testing process because the wise and foolish virgins of Matthew 25 are obviously the wise and wicked of Daniel 12. And the wise and wicked of Daniel 12 are manifested as wise or wicked based upon how they respond to. the increase of knowledge that's opened up at the time of the end. And that's found in Daniel 12, verses nine and 10, and Jesus illustrates the beginning or the ending with the beginning. And if you go to chapter one, you see that threefold testing process with Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. And their first test was they chose not to eat the Babylonian food. And that's like the first test in the Millerite history when the angel came down out of heaven and he had a little book open in his hand, and John was told to go take that little book and eat it. And the first test was, are you gonna go take that little book out of the angel's hand that came down out of heaven on September 11th, 2001, and eat it, or are you not going to eat it, okay? If you're not gonna eat it, you just felt the first test, and you're not even involved with the second test, okay? So the second test in Daniel chapter one is a visual test. Okay, the Melzar's gonna give him time to prove whether their vegetarian diet is valid or not. And at the end of 10 days, he comes in and they look fairer and fatter than everyone that's been dining on Babylonian junk food. So they pass a visual test. And then at the end of three years, they're brought in before Nebuchadnezzar himself. Now, this is part of the test. Part of the test that the Lord is opening up is a requirement that we are proficient on understanding some of the basic rules of Bible prophecy. And one of the basic rules is kind of a double-edged sword, but it's this, is that symbols have more than one meaning. And whatever that meaning might be, it has to be determined by the context of the passage where it's found. Symbols have more than one meaning. But kind of the other side of that is is that some of the subjects of Bible prophecy, they have many symbols to describe them. The more important they are, the more symbols they have. Look at how many ways that Christ is symbolized in the scriptures. It's just, it's endless, okay? So a subject can have many symbols that represent the subject, and a symbol can have more than one meaning, and that meaning has to be determined by context. And so what I'm saying is when we wake up in the last days, we have to wake up to the fact that we're in a prophetic testing process. And one of the prophetic tools that we have to be confident in, be able to put faith in, is that symbols have more than one meaning, and that some subjects are symbolically represented in a variety of ways, okay? So I'm gonna suggest that when Sister White says much of the history that's been fulfilled in Daniel chapter 11 will be repeated, as she says, that when we look at Daniel 11, that this is the high point, the crescendo of the prophecies of the book of Daniel that's all brought together here. And it's not just as if the prophetic themes are brought together, and they are, but the prophetic rules that are to be used by those that proclaim the third angel's message, they become the glue that holds the correct understanding of Daniel 11 together, okay? So what I'm saying is that when the story of the King of the North first gets introduced in Daniel 11, that that first King of the North is going to have to be the last King of the North because that's Alpha and Omega's signature. And the first King of the North is Seleucus Nicator, something along that line. And he establishes the kingdom that follows in the aftermath of Alexander the Great's kingdom breaking up. He establishes the kingdom that becomes the first King of the North. And in order to do that, he had to conquer the East, the West, and the North. He had to conquer three geographical areas, just like pagan Rome had to do, and papal Rome had to do, and modern Rome has to do. Because this Seleucus Nicator, who is the founder of the Seleucid kingdom, which is also called the Assyrian kingdom by the historians, the guy that founded this kingdom, he was made the statraq, which means the governor of Babylon, and he begins this kingdom. He gets driven out of Babylon, the city of Babylon for a while, and he forms an alliance with Ptolemy of the King of the South to move this opponent out of the city of Babylon, and he takes it back. And when he conquers the third of those three entities, East, West, and North, he becomes the King of the North. And throughout his history, him being the first King of the North, throughout his history, the following Syrian or Seleucid kings, however you want to identify them, they will take the name upon them of Antiochus. And the reason they do that is sort of to honor Seleucus, for Seleucus Nicator, the first king, but more importantly, it's to honor Seleucus' father, Antiochus, who was a high-ranking official in the kingdom of Alexander the Great. So it's important to see that in the Seleucid Empire, that it was founded by a descendant that came out of the Greek dynasty, and that they become the first governor of Babylon, and therefore would be representing modern Babylon at the end of the world, and that they were a son that establishes this kingdom of a father who was so revered that the kings that followed on through history took the father's name, Antiochus. And in doing so, they're paralleling the name Antichrist, of which it can be shown that Sister White refers to Satan as the Antichrist, but she also refers to the pope, the papacy, as Antichrist. So the kingdom of Seleucus, when they're taking the name Antiochus down through their history as one of their names as the king that was then ruling, they're paralleling these popes that take their popish names and become the Antichrist, the proxy Antichrist of the Antichrist Satan. And this is illustrated in the line of the Seleucid kingdom with the Antiochus. So I know that you've probably read these before, but I'm gonna read these definitions of Antiochus as we go forward. Anti, this prefix generally means against or opposite, but in name, it can also suggest in place of or corresponding to. So when you're talking about the Antichrist, Satan is against, he's the opposite, prophetically, of Christ, and he's the Antichrist. But when you're talking about using it as a name, it also can mean in place of, and Satan, through the Pope of Rome, who is also the Antichrist, claims to be standing in the place of Christ with the ability to forgive sins. Now, the other part of Antiochus is Oikos. This part of the name comes from the Greek verb eko, meaning to hold or to possess. The suffix oikos is often associated with holding or maintaining something such as power or a position. Thus, the name Antiochus can be interpreted to mean maintaining a position. So these, prophetically, Antiochus becomes the symbol that's typifying the Antichrist. And with the Antichrist, you have Satan as the number one Antichrist, and the Popes are his proxy Antichrist down through history. With the Syrian kingdom, you have Antiochus, who had been a leader in the kingdom of Greece, and the kingdom of Greece is the worldwide kingdom, and the worldwide kingdom is the kingdom of the dragon. So Antiochus, the father Antiochus, had been in the dragon kingdom, and his son establishes the kingdom that is the king of the north, the kingdom of the north, and its capital is Babylon. And the kings that follow after his sons, many of them take the name Antiochus to give honor to the king's father, who is the dragon, because in Revelation 13, it says, if you worship the beast, you're worshiping the dragon. It's all very detailed and lined out that these Antiochus in this history are representing a proxy as the Pope, or the proxy to Satan. They're representing a proxy of Eleusis' father, Antiochus. Anyway, let's move on. Satan is against Christ and is thought to stand in place of Christ. He attempts this through a proxy, the Pope of Rome. The determination of Antichrist to carry out the rebellion he began in heaven will continue to work in the children of disobedience. This is clearly calling Satan to Antichrist. He's the one that initiated the rebellion in heaven. Antichrist is both Satan and the Pope, who is Satan's earthly representative to secure worldly gains and honors. The church was led to seek the favor and support of the great men of earth. And having thus rejected Christ, he was induced to yield allegiance to the representative of Satan, the Bishop of Rome. The representative of Satan, the Bishop of Rome, is one of those symbols in the scriptures. It's one of those subjects in the scriptures that has many symbols. Just in 2 Thessalonians, there's the Bishop of Rome, who is the Pope of Rome, who is the representative of Satan, who is an Antichrist. In 2 Thessalonians, Paul says he's the mystery of iniquity. He's the man of sin. He's that wicked. And I may be even forgetting one in there, but just in 2 Thessalonians chapter two, there's three names that symbolize the Pope of Rome at the end of the world. Because the substance is the last days, the shadows are the symbols that precede the substance. They are the types that precede the Antichrist and the anti-type. So we have to become familiar with this reality that symbols have more than one meaning and that some subjects have more than one symbol, which is the man of sin is a form of Antichrist. In the days of the Apostle Paul, the Thessalonian brethren were laboring under the erroneous impression that the Lord would return in their day. And Paul wrote to correct this false impression, stating what events must transpire before the advent could take place. Very clearly, Sister White, although she's talking about how Paul was relating to the Thessalonian church in that history, she's saying directly, he's marking out events that take place before the advent. This is the last day. Most certainly this was fulfilled in the centuries that led to 538. It was fulfilled then as well, but it's simply another witness of the last days. He declared, let no man deceive you by any means, for that day shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed. Now, what it's saying before we move on, the day that isn't gonna come is the second coming of Christ. Let no man deceive you by any means. The second coming of Christ isn't gonna happen until there's a falling away first and the papal power is revealed. The man of sin, he's the son of perdition, there's the other one who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped so that he is God, sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. So, the saying that you can't, that you don't want to be deceived by God, let no man deceive you by any means. For the second coming doesn't arrive except for this. Except for what? Except that there's a falling away first, that the papacy can be revealed. And that falling away in history was when pagan Rome, who had been restraining the papacy from taking the throne of the earth, fell away. And the compromise of Christianity and paganism takes place in this period of compromise, the church falls away, and the power of pagan Rome falls away. And that has to be, that is an illustration of the last days, and a symbol of the United States in the last days is pagan Rome. And therefore, let no man deceive you by any means. For the second coming doesn't take place except the United States falls away. The United States falls at the soon coming Sunday law, where national apostasy is followed by national Rome. That has to take place before the man of sin is revealed. And the man of sin that gets revealed then is the man of sin that is ruling over a threefold union, which consists of the United States as the head of the United Nations in relationship with the papacy. The man of sin was to arise and do his work of exaltation and blasphemy before the brethren could look for the coming of Christ. That great event was to be preceded by a falling away. There would be revealed a form of antichrist, and the leaven of apostasy was to work with increasing power to the end of time. Clearly another reference to the end of time, not just the history of 538. We are not to be surprised beyond measure to see the widespread declension of faith and piety. I've been bearing my testimony for the last 40 years that there would be those who would fall away from the path cast up before the ransomed of the Lord to walk in. God has been sending warnings, reproofs, and encouragements to his people. He has warned them that some would depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits. And the context here is the people that fall away and give heed to seducing spirits, they get deceived over what happens to the United States. The United States has to be conquered at the Sunday ball before the final manifestation of Rome is revealed. And the final manifestation of Rome is modern Rome, the threefold union. And it's revealed after the United States brings upon itself national ruin by filling the cup of its iniquity and setting up an image of the beast in the United States. So I'm trying to put some things in place so we can get started in the conclusion, and I'm still doing that. So moving on to Seleucus Nicodemus, whose father was Antiochus. The Seleucid or Syrian Empire began with Seleucus, and the following kings often took the name Antiochus to honor the father of the empire. Seleucus was made the satrap, governor of Babylon, and when he conquered the three geographical areas of the east and the west and north, he became the first king of the north in chapter 11 of Daniel. He was initially a general for Ptolemy, the king of the south. Ptolemy and Seleucus worked together to secure his kingdom. Antiochus, the kingdom of Syria is an illustration of the Roman kingdom. And if this isn't the case, it has to be the case, okay? The modern Babylon is going to be the first Babylon that's identified, and the first Babylon identified is Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon. But in another witness in Daniel 11, the first governor of Babylon, whose father was Antiochus, is this Syrian king. It's another symbol, a line that illustrates modern Babylon at the end of the world, as Daniel 2 does, so does Daniel 11. And they both bring modern Babylon down to the last days, and they contribute to the understanding that it's a threefold kingdom, because Rome's always going to conquer three geographical areas. And all those three geographical areas, as with Seleucus, who conquered three geographical areas, they are what marks the establishment of that particular king as king of the north. They have to conquer those three geographical areas. So when the threefold union takes place at the Sunday Law, the king of the north is the one who is in control of that threefold relationship. He is the king, he is the head, and he has to be typified by not only Nebuchadnezzar and Babylon, the head of gold, because the beginning is always going to illustrate the end, but he also has to be typified by this first Syrian king, who was the governor of Babylon, and all the characteristics that are in the Syrian kingdom align with the characteristics of Rome. I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots. And behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great things, Daniel 7, 8. In the story of the Seleucid kingdom, there was a relationship between the dragon power of Greece through Seleucid's father, Antiochus, but there was also a relationship with Egypt, the dragon power. Seleucid formed an alliance with Ptolemy to drive the power that had kicked Seleucid out of Babylon out of Babylon, so there's cooperation on two witnesses in the story of Seleucid from the dragon kingdom to help place Seleucid upon the throne as the king of Babylon, the king of the north when he conquers these three geographical areas, that typify the work of pagan Rome, placing the papacy upon the throne of the earth as they remove the Uralites, the Ostrogoths, and the Vandals to allow the papacy to be set up in Daniel 7. In Daniel 8, out of one of them came forth the little horn, which waxed exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the pleasant land. This little horn of Rome was going to conquer three geographical areas, just like the three roots, just like Seleucid has to conquer the east, the west, and the north. When pagan Rome conquers its three geographical areas, it rules the world supremely in fulfillment of Daniel 11, 24, for 360 years, from the Battle of Actium in 31 BC until the year 330, when Constantine divided the kingdom by moving the capital to Constantinople. When the papacy was placed on the throne in 538, when the third of those three geographical horns was plucked up, the Goths fled the city of Rome. Then it ruled for a period of time, as did pagan Rome. It ruled for 1260 years, beginning from 538 until its deadly wound in 1798. So these histories of Rome are what are illustrated in the history of the Seleucid kingdom, beginning with its first king on down to verse 15. The Seleucid kingdom is illustrating these truths that are the groundwork, the foundation of the testimony of pagan and papal Rome as represented in the books of Daniel and Revelation, and we need to be familiar with this. Hopefully I will explain why in a moment. Revelation 13, 2, and the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth was the mouth of a lion. This is the papal beast. Sister White directly says so. And the dragon, that's pagan Rome, chapter 12. The dragon of chapter 12, Sister White says, is Satan, but in a secondary sense it's pagan Rome. The dragon in chapter 12 is pagan Rome, and it moves into the next power, papal Rome, that is going to rule for 1260 years, and it says there's this relationship between the dragon and the papacy. It was the dragon who gave him his power, used his military and economic strength to remove those three powers, and he gave him his sea. He moved out of the city of Rome to move his capital to Constantinople, leaving a vacuum of power in the city of Rome that the papacy gobbled up. And in 533, Justinian gave him the civil authority because he identified the Pope of Rome as the head of the church and corrector of heretics, at which point the Pope of Rome can identify anyone in the kingdom, including the king himself, as a heretic off with his head. Okay, so the support between pagan Rome and the papacy placed under the throne of the earth was illustrated in the support that was given from Ptolemy to Seleucus to drive this other power out of the city of Babylon. I've forgotten the guy's name at this time. And it's also referencing the support that comes from the connection of Seleucus' father Antiochus with Alexander the Great's kingdom, which is also a dragon kingdom. So it's got two witnesses that there was a philosophical support given in the story of Greece and military and economic support given from Ptolemy to parallel and typify the work of pagan Rome, placing the papacy on the throne of the earth. And, of course, all these are illustrating the end of the world. In verses 10 through 15, you have the same Antiochus. This is still review, still trying to get to where we can get to our conclusion. And verse 10, pivotal verse, much to say about verse 10, but this is the beginning of the fourth Syrian war, and it's being carried out by Antiochus III Magnus. And the next war, verse 11 and 12, and then the third war or battle, verses 13 to 15, they're always Antiochus III Magnus, the same guy each time. And you can show that verse 10 with the witness of Isaiah 8, not popping into my head right now, 8, 8, I think, and then Isaiah 8, 8 and Daniel 11, 40 are two verses that correspond to verse 10 of Daniel 11, which is this fourth Syrian war where Antiochus Magnus, gathers up the geographical areas that had been taken from him previously in 1798. Okay, so Antiochus, there's much to say about it, I'll just, what I have to say is that Antiochus here, verse 10, is typifying the chariot, ships, and horsemen of verse 40 of Daniel 11. And the chariot, ships, and horsemen are representing the United States, and what it contributed to this secret alliance with the Antichrist, Pope John Paul II, was military and economic strength as represented by ships, the economic strength, and horses, and chariots are the military strength. Verse 10 is verse 40, is Isaiah 8, 8, and therefore, verse 10, Antiochus Magnus is the proxy army of Rome, which was Ronald Reagan of the United States in verse 40. And if Antiochus, not if, Antiochus Magnus typifies the proxy army of the United States in verse 40, and Antiochus Magnus, the history that he lived, fulfilled not only verse 10, but all the way through verse 15. He was the Syrian representative also at Raffia in 11 and 12, verses 11 and 12, which he lost. And then in Panaeum, verses 13 to 15, where he prevailed, it's the United States each step of the way. It's the proxy army of the papacy each step of the way, because it's established as the proxy army in verse 10, when verse 10 is compared with Isaiah 8 and Daniel 11, 40. So the question becomes, when you reach the point in time where the Lord's going to wake up those candidates for the 144,000, they have to wake up to the fact that they are then thrown into a prophetic testing process. And if they don't enter into the testing process with enthusiasm, then they will fulfill what Sister White says the Lord will allow heresies to come in among them in order to arouse, Jesus says, the sleeping saints. So we're now at the point where the controversy over a symbol that represents Rome that was represented on the 1843 chart is being repeated currently in our history. And it tells us that we are at the end of our history. We're at the end of the judgment of Adventism time period. We're coming close to verse 4, where the angel of Revelation 18 now changes his focus and calls his other sheep out of Babylon. And as we approach this period, we have a heresy that's allowed to come in. And some of us are sensitive, because we feel like, well, this is pointing fingers at him or whatever. And initially, maybe some of that was going on. But it isn't anything to do with that. It is that the Lord wants us to dig deeper and awaken to the lines of prophecy that he is now unsealing that fit into the hidden history of verse 40 and awaken to those lines of truth in such a thorough way that they pass this final prophetic test that is qualified as the formation of the image of the beast, OK? So on the 1843 chart, which is the foundations that are endorsed by the spirit of prophecy, the argument of the robbers of thy people that the Protestants offered was that it was Antiochus Epiphanes. It was an Antiochus. And therefore, if it was an Antiochus, the real fulfillment of it is that it's a symbol of the United States. So in 1843, the Protestants, who were on the wrong side of the issue, were saying the robbers of thy people was Antiochus. And now that this history of the first controversy is identifying that we're in the last controversy, the argument is that the robbers of thy people is the United States, which the United States is Antiochus, and the Protestants in the beginning said, yes, it's Antiochus Epiphanes. It's the identical argument, OK? Now, the first and the last, this is the signature that Christ began to dwell upon repeatedly after July 2023, is this emphasis that Jesus illustrates then from the beginning. So you've got to, what I'm saying is the prophetic test isn't to be correct that the robbers of thy people is Rome, and instead of being incorrect, saying it's the United States. That's not the issue. The issue is to understand that you need to follow the prophetic logic that sustains this truth. The Protestants in 1843 said that the robbers of thy people were Antiochus Epiphanes. And Antiochus Epiphanes, you just get rid of his name Epiphanes, because he just becomes a symbol. And the symbols from the Syrian kingdom is that the Antiochus was honoring their father. And the Antiochus was a word that was symbolizing the Antichrist. And the popes as an Antichrist are honoring their father, who is the devil. So when you go to the Antiochus, who are typifying the popes, the Antichrist, then you see that they take that name upon themselves to honor not someone from the Syrian kingdom, but a leader in the Greek kingdom, which was a dragon kingdom, a worldwide kingdom. They're honoring their father, the devil, the same way the popes are honoring their father, the devil. And it's only seen by those that have the aptitude to understand that these symbols are valid when they're interchanged in this way, if the context that you're interchanging them sustains that application. And it does. And I'm sorry if I'm getting too wordy for you to follow, but you need to follow this. Currently, the argument is that the robbers of the United States, and in reality, the Antiochus, verses 10 through 15, is a symbol of the proxy army of the United States. An Antiochus is the United States. Protestants in 1843 says it was Antiochus. But the grammar, this is a new power in verse 14. It can't be Antiochus Magnus. It's a new power. It's Rome. So that's the first and the last of these lines of prophecy that are identifying the testing process that the 144,000 wake up to. And they have to wake up and realize that they're in a testing process. And they're in the testing process. And in Daniel chapter 1 is the final testing process. This is the test they must pass before they're sealed. And in Daniel chapter 1, they're taken in before Nebuchadnezzar. Who's Nebuchadnezzar? Well, Nebuchadnezzar in Bible prophecy, Babylon, he's the head of gold. Daniel told him, thou, O king, art the head of gold. So Nebuchadnezzar is a prophetic symbol. And he's a symbol of the king of the north. So when Daniel, Shadrach, and Meshach illustrate the 144,000 in the last days being brought into their final test, they are being confronted with the one that is giving them their final test, who is a symbol of what their final test is. And their final test is, who's the king of the north? Who's Rome? Who's modern Rome at the end of the world? Nebuchadnezzar is a symbol of modern Rome at the end of the world. He is the first symbol. He's the head of gold. And he illustrates the last. And the head of gold there at the beginning is saying that when Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came in in Daniel chapter 1 for their third test, and they were being interviewed by Nebuchadnezzar, that it was the same test that the Protestants filled in 1843 and that some are filling right now. It's a misunderstanding over the symbol, a symbol, a testing symbol that is a symbol of Rome, modern Rome. So you go into a line of controversy in Advent history that is once again over Rome. And you come to Uriah Smith. And what Uriah Smith does, and this is where it gets interesting, and I hope you can follow this. I hope I haven't already lost you in all this rhetoric. But Uriah Smith says that the king of the north in verse 36 is France. And then when he gets to verse 40, he says it's Turkey. And he does so because he just ignores the grammatic rules. There's no grammatical justification for changing the king of the north in verse 36. It just isn't. And his claim is, well, none of the specifications in verse 36 meet the papal power. That's nonsense. Every little characteristic in verse 36 can be demonstrated on more than one witness to be a characteristic of papal Rome. So this is a private interpretation by Uriah Smith. And it was a denial of simple grammatical rules. And for Uriah Smith, he was dealing with a symbol of modern Rome. Because the king of the north is the one who comes to his end with none to help in Daniel 11, 40 to 45. And he does so between the seas and the glorious holy mountains. And when you take a map of the Middle East and you put a dot in between the three seas that are there and Jerusalem, the glorious holy mountain, you find yourself in the Jezreel Valley, which is the Valley of Megiddo. There is no mountain there. John in Revelation 16 wants to make sure that he's not being literal. So he says Armageddon, Arm meaning mountain, says mountain of Megiddo, where the dragon, the beast, the false prophet lead the world to Armageddon in Revelation 16 in the sixth plague. It's the identical geographical point that the king of the north comes to his end with none to help between the seas and the glorious holy mountain. And this king of the north is modern Rome. It's the end of modern Rome. And modern Rome is simply papal Rome that received its deadly wound in 1798, whose deadly wound is healed at the soon coming Sunday Law in the United States. And then modern Rome is the threefold union upon which the papacy sits on top that goes to the end when none shall help. So Uriah Smith determines that he's going to invent a new model for the king of the north in verse 36 and then in verse 40. And I want you to see what he does. And you have to be proficient in basic prophetic application to follow this simply. And you may think that I'm being a little bit redundant about emphasizing that. But if you'd step back for a moment and think about what I'm going to say here. When those of us that are in this movement say something like symbols have more than one meaning, it just goes right over our head. Not because we're ignoring it, but we're so settled into that. That's just an echo. Yeah, I know that. Symbols have more than one meaning. But I want to try to demonstrate something if you have the willingness to assent to something that's kind of subjective. If you went into an Adventist church today, you can pick which one. And you stood in front of the audience and said symbols have more than one meaning, I guarantee that 95% of the people in that audience wouldn't have a clue what you were even talking about. Because the aptitude of prophetic understanding degenerates as time goes on. As the light is being more fully opened, the darkness is becoming greater and greater. And this may seem redundant that I'm putting such an emphasis on the fact that symbols have more than one meaning, and that some subjects are symbolized by a variety of symbols. It may be redundant sounding to those of us who follow this message. But the reality of it is this is stuff that most Adventists can't even understand. So what I want you to see is that when Uriah Smith, when he says the King of the North, which is a symbol of modern Rome, it's France. He's saying the King of the North is the United States because France, symbolized by Sodom and Egypt, is the symbol of the United States. Again, if you've read the article, you will have read some articles that are going to go more into detail with what I'm going to say. But where we started in this presentation, I made a point. And I mean, I meant it, but I go back to the very beginning. One of the first things that has to be understood about the formation of the image of the beast is that there are two of them. The first one is formed in the United States, and the other one's formed in the world. Until you settle into that reality, you miss much because the lights don't come on. And I'm going to perhaps turn a light on for some that are willing to receive light. But maybe most of us already know this. In the articles, we've said it before. The power that the United States uses in verses 12 through 18, the power that the United States uses in verses 12 through 18, the power that the United States uses in verses 12 through 18 great teen of Revelation 13 to force the world to accept the mark of the beast and set up a worldwide image of the beast. The powers that are identified as miracle working powers of the United States, they boil down to two areas, and they're the same areas that the United States began to use as the proxy army for the Pope when Reagan formed the secret alliance with the Pope in that history, and it's economic and military might. The United States is going to say, you either receive the mark of the beast, or you're not going to be able to buy or sell, that's economics, or you either receive the mark of the beast or we're going to put you to death, okay, that's the military, that's the chariot, ships, and horsemen in verse 40. So when the United States fulfills its role of forcing the world to set up an image of the beast, the role that it is fulfilling at that level is the false prophet, and it's clearly emphasized in Revelation 13 because in verse 13, Revelation 13, 13, rebellion, you have Satan appearing as an angel of light, calling fire down out of heaven, and Sister White's going to identify that it's Satan that accomplishes this work, but she will tell you that the dragon in Revelation 12 is Satan, but in a secondary sense, it is pagan Rome, and just as pagan Rome is a symbol of the United States, the dragon that calls fire down out of heaven in Revelation 13, 13 is Satan, but in a secondary sense, it is the United States, pagan Rome, and the United States uses military and economic force to cause the world to accept an image of the beast, and when it does so, it's manifesting its power in the context of being the false prophet. It's being the prophets of Baal and the priest of the grove in the story of Jezebel and Ahab and Elijah, and it's being Salome in the story of Herod and Herodias. Okay, so the point is that's the image of the beast test in the world, but the image of the beast test in the United States, it also has a three-fold union that's active in that history as the three-fold union of the dragon, beast, and false prophet are active in the history of the world image of the beast test. You have a civil structure, the republican horn. There's your dragon. You have the Protestant horn. There's the beast, the apostate church, and you have a false prophet, but the false prophet in this history is not apostate Protestantism or the United States, because this is a test of the United States. It's a false prophet that's going to force the United States into setting up an image of the beast. It's going to force the United States into circumstances where church and state come together, and the way that the false prophet in the image of the beast, United States' image of the beast testing time accomplishes that work is through economic and military might, just like the United States does as the false prophet in the world image of the beast test. And the false prophet that does this work in the image of the beast testing time in the United States is Islam, because a symbol that's associated with Islam is Muhammad, its founder, and he's a false prophet, and Islam at that level is a false prophet, and it is the activities of Islam of the third world that is driving the conditions in the United States and the world that are leading to the image of the beast testing time. It's doing so by military activity, like it's going on in the Middle East right now, or has gone on since 9-11 with the activities of Islam, and it's doing so with economic fallout that comes from those circumstances. And it's also raised a philosophical challenge as it divides the Democratic, so-called Democratic Party over whether they're anti-Israel or anti-Muslim. It is what has cut the guts and the strength out of the Democratic Party to put them in a position when the judgments force the Republican Party to move forward with implementing a church-state relationship and martial law. The Democrats are going to be, they're being gutted right now of any power that they would have to resist that if they wanted to. And what is doing that to them as much as anything else is the various fallouts that are being accomplished by Islam, and Islam of the second woe is its capital, well, it was the Ottoman Empire and they called them the Ottoman Turks. So when Uriah Smith says, no, the King of the North is not modern Rome at the end of the world, in verse 36 it's France, he's saying, no, the King of the North at the end of the world is not papal Rome, it's the United States. And in verse 40 he says the same thing, only he says it's the false prophet Turkey, which is the United States. So he's got two representations if you understand that symbols have more than one meaning, they're interchangeable, and if they, and they are established by context, therefore maybe you can see now that by context, the controversy that's on the 1843 chart that we're repeating now was also the controversy of Uriah Smith and James White, and the only variation was that instead of calling the symbol of Rome the robbers of thy people, with Uriah Smith it was the King of the North, which is a symbol of the robbers of the people, which is a symbol, either way you look at it, as modern Rome. And the Protestants and those of today that are saying, no, it's Antiochus, they're saying, no, it's not modern Rome, it's the United States, and Uriah Smith would say, no, the King of the North is not modern Rome, it's France, it's the United States, it's Turkey, it's the United States. It's the identical argument, and because it's the identical argument of these controversies over who establishes the vision in Advent history that are all lining up with this final controversy, it's showing that the context is this very subject. What do I mean by that? I mean, the context is that all the virgins sleep, and when they wake up, the white virgins have to wake up to the fact that they're in a prophetic testing process, and when they don't wake up, they realize the Lord allowed a heresy to come in, and he allowed the heresy to come in to force them to study deeper, and when they begin to study deeper that very controversy that they were in, they're finding out that the context for this final discussion is Nebuchadnezzar. It's the King of the North. It's the robbers of thy people. It's the same subject, and the people that are on the wrong side of the issue are claiming, no, that symbol is the United States. Just after September 11th, there were people that joined to this movement, and the reason that they joined to this movement is illustrated by the recorded history of August 11th, 1840, where Sister White says, when the rules of prophetic interpretation adopted by Miller and Associates were confirmed, that's a paraphrase, multitudes joined the Advent movement, and the strength of the prophetic testimony of line upon line that was put into the public arena after September 11th, 2001, that demonstrated that there was a movement that was now active that is repeating the Millerite reform movement. There was a bunch of people that joined with the movement the same way that a bunch of people joined with the Millerite movement when the Angel of Revelation 10 came down, typifying 9-11 when the Angel of Revelation 18 came down. Shortly after that, because of the emphasis upon the role of Islam prophetically at 9-11, there was a group that parted ways from this movement over Joel, and what they were doing is having a controversy over who the insects in the first six verses of Joel were. Were they a symbol of Rome that over the four generations of Adventism destroyed Adventist theology? That's what those insects were, the four generations of Adventism and the destruction that was brought about from 1863 onward as Adventism progressively drank of the Catholic and apostate Protestant theology, as did the disobedient prophet who went and rebuked Jeroboam for his two...for the idols that he set up in Bethel and Dan, but then didn't follow the directions to not go back, and he went back and he ate with the false prophet of Samaria. In 1863, Adventism went back and ate with apostate Protestantism and Catholic theologians, and over the next four generations, they don't have the message at all any longer. It's gone, and the first six verses of Joel say, Awake, ye drunkards, and the drunkards in Bible prophecy are identified by Isaiah as the drunkards of Ephraim who rule this people which is in Jerusalem. The leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in verse 6 of Joel's chapter 1, they awake to find out that their movement, their church has been totally decimated by these insects, but there was a group of people that left at that time because they claimed the insects were Islam. Okay, so here we go again. Here's a symbol of Rome that you need to be clear about. You need to know who the king of the north is. You need to know who the robbers of thy people are, and you need to know who the Antichrist is, because all those that become confused on the meaning of Antichrist will ultimately become Antichrist, as we've been told. So here's a movement that has a controversy over a symbol of Rome, the insects, and they're claiming it's Islam, and once again, Islam is the false prophet. Islam is the United States. It's the identical argument. That's four witnesses for any who wishes to see. Now, there's the other lines that we looked at, and I'm almost to the conclusion here. The other lines that we've looked at as we went through these articles about establishing the vision are different, but they're the same. They're the same line. Line upon line, you get to put them on there, but four of those lines, brothers and sisters, four of those lines are saying that the symbol that there's a controversy over is modern Rome every time, and modern Rome is papal Rome in charge of the threefold union, and four of those six lines say that the people that are on the wrong side of the issue, they identify the symbol as the United States. One way or another, through symbolism, that's why I'm saying to follow this, you've got to have a confidence in how you apply symbols, or you get bogged down and get confused. We need to be at the aptitude level where we can follow these things, and what I'm saying is, because the context of these six lines is the same context, it's always a controversy over a symbol of Rome, all of them that we've selected, there may be others, but four of those are emphasizing that the symbol is always Rome, and it's always confused as the United States, but these next two controversies that have been in Adventism over the daily, and the conclusion of Uriah Smith's false prophetic structure, are emphasizing not so much the symbol of Rome being upended by a symbol of the United States, but What they're emphasizing is the relationship of the United States to papal Rome. And that relationship is provided by 2 Thessalonians 2 and the history that fulfilled it, and Revelation 16, the sixth plague, and the context that's in there. And in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, Paul is identifying that pagan Rome has to fall away before papal Rome is established. And lots of witnesses to this history, the one I've already referred to today is the relationship of the Pergamos church to the church of Thyatira, Thyatira is papal power, Pergamos is pagan Rome. All those histories are speaking about the United States falling away before the papacy takes the throne. And it's in 2 Thessalonians where Paul says, if you don't love this truth, and the context of that chapter is, if you don't love the truth that describes the relationship between the power that restrains the papal power from being revealed and ultimately falls away and establishes the papal power as the ruler, if you don't understand that relationship, then it's evidence that you do not love the truth and you will therefore receive strong delusion. I don't know any stronger prohibition on being loose with how you understand God's prophetic word than you find in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2. You need to understand that the context of that chapter is exactly what I'm saying, I'm not putting a slant on it. Paul's describing the relationship between pagan Rome and papal Rome, and that relationship is couched in the fact that papal Rome isn't going to be revealed until pagan Rome falls. And pagan Rome is a symbol of the United States, and modern Rome at the end of the world is papal Rome in its threefold form, and it will not be revealed until the fall of the United States. If you don't love that truth, then you're not loving the truth that is representing the relationship between pagan and papal Rome. You're going to receive strong delusion, and it's part of the testing process that you wake up to as a candidate to the 144,000. You wake up to the fact that you are in a prophetic testing period, and one way it's expressed is that it's the formation of the image of the beast, and as you dive into the subject of the image of the beast, you realize there are two manifestations of the image of the beast, one in the United States, one in the world, and then when you check sacred Advent history, you realize that this controversy over Rome is always identifying someone that has screwed up the symbol of Rome with the United States, and now 2 Thessalonians is saying the other component to that testing process that you must see if you're not going to receive strong delusion is the relationship, prophetic relationship, between the United States and the Roman Catholic Church at the end of the world. And in the daily of Daniel, you have this whole controversy set forth, and in the sixth plague, you have this whole controversy provided as second witness, because in the sixth plague, probation's already closed, and there's a verse in the sixth plague that says, Blessed is he who keepeth his garment. Your garments are secured before probation closes. The only way to understand that blessing is to understand that there is a truth about the dragon and the beast and the false prophet that lead the world to Armageddon in the sixth plague. There's a truth associated with the sixth plague that you need to understand before probation closes, and the test that you need to understand before probation closes is the prophetic image of the beast test, how the image of the beast is formed. So because all the last final tests are the same test, you have the prophetic approval to take the story of Revelation 16's dragon, beast, and false prophet leading the world to Armageddon with the accompanying pronouncement that blessed are you that keep your garments. Blessed are you that don't lose your garments, that you don't receive strong delusion by not understanding the relationship of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, thus providing a second witness to the relationship that is emphasized by Paul in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 between pagan Rome and papal Rome. If you receive strong delusion, you lose your garments, and you receive your strong delusion before probation closes because you receive your strong delusion in the final test, which is the formation of the image of the beast that you must pass before probation closes. Okay, then in your notes, Daniel chapter 1, I've already went over that. It's the first and the last. The three-step testing process. Daniel's test is represented as the test over Nebuchadnezzar, and Nebuchadnezzar is an image of modern Rome. The 144,000 as illustrated in Daniel chapter 1 are identifying that the final test for the 144,000 is a prophetic test over who modern Rome is. In the hidden dream of chapter 2 of Daniel, it's the dream of the image of the beast. It's a life or death, a consequence. You either understand that dream, as Daniel came to understand, or you're going to die. This dream is under a death decree. It's right before probation closes prophetically, and Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are metaphorically awakened to the fact that they're in a prophetic test. They don't even know what the test is, let alone how to explain the test, and they turn to the Lord in prayer, and the Lord reveals the truth about the test, and the test that is revealed is the image of Daniel chapter 2, which is the image of the kingdoms of Bible prophecy, and in Daniel chapter 7, the kingdoms of Bible prophecy are represented as beasts. As they are in Daniel 8, and therefore, these kingdoms of Bible prophecy in Nebuchadnezzar's image in chapter 2, it's also the image of the beast. It's representing this final test that the virgins wake up to, and they realize, because Sister White says so, this is what determines their eternal destiny. They wake up to a life or death test and need to understand what the image of the beast test is, and they need to understand it before they're sealed, and the image of the beast test is the combination of church and state, and as here identified, and in the very act of enforcing religious duty by secular power, this is the Sunday law, enforcement of Sunday keeping on the part of Protestant churches is an enforcement of the worship of the papacy of the beast, but in the very act of enforcing a religious duty by secular power, the churches would themselves form an image to the beast. Hence, the enforcement of Sunday keeping in the United States would be an enforcement of the worship of the beast and his image. They have fully formed that image at the Sunday law. That's when they speak, and then the nations of the world are going to be brought into the same testing process as the world is confronted with the image of the beast test. As now we're in verse 11, the United States speaks to the dragon at the Sunday law. It has just fallen. National apostasy is followed by national ruin, and the papacy has just entered into the glorious land of verse 41, and many shall be overthrown, but these shall escape his hands. Once he's fully disconnected from righteousness, the United States exercises all the power of the first beast before him, and there's been some twist put on that. The power of the first beast before him, the first beast before the United States in Revelation 13 was the Catholic church, and the power of the Catholic church was accomplished by the military and economic power of the kings. That the Catholic church ruled over, and it's the same power that the United States is going to exercise, the economic and military might, which is its attribute as we speak, and he exercises all the power of the first beast before him. Doesn't mean that he is the first beast. It means that he is the one that is fulfilling the role that pagan Rome fulfilled when it dedicated its military and economic might to the papacy, beginning with Clovis in 496. And the United States causes the earth, the whole earth, and then the dweller to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed. Okay, so his deadly wound was healed back here when the United States spake as a dragon. Okay, because it's here in this speaking as a dragon that the Sunday law where the threefold union is identified more than once by Sister White. And he, once his deadly wound is healed, doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down out of heaven on earth inside of man, and he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he hath power to do in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth. It's the whole world that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword and did live. And he had power who the United States had the power, what kind of power economic military might to give life to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak. The speaking of a nation is an action of its legislative and judicial authority. In order for the world to have an image of the beast, a combination of church and state where it speaks, it has to have a legislative and judicial branch. And the legislative branch is in New York City at the United Nations, and the judicial branch is in Holland, I'm not sure, the Hague, there you go, in the Hague. And they're going to speak, which means they're going to pass the law and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he, the United States, call us with all those fallen great rich and poor free and bound to receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead, and that no man might by herself save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. You all see that here is wisdom. Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding of the number of the beast, the number of a man, the beast is a man, and his number is 666. And this man is the beast. It's the king of the north. It's mystery and iniquity. It's the Antichrist, typified by Antiochus. It's the man of sin, okay? It's the number of a man. It's the number of the man of sin, and his number is 666. And you need to have wisdom to understand this. And if you have wisdom, who are you? You're the wise virgin. The wise virgins understand something that the foolish virgins don't understand. This passage is part of the oil that the wise virgins have in the final testing process, and it has to do with counting the number of the beast. And the first thing to understand from the context is that this beast is the papal beast at the end of the world whose deadly wound is healed. There's no way to get out of this in the context of Revelation 13, and it has a number, and that number is also a number of a man, and it's 666. And in Revelation 17, it says, and here is the mind which has wisdom. That's verse 9, okay? Verses 9 through 11 in Revelation 17 is identifying the mind that has wisdom. And we already know from Revelation 13 that the mind that has wisdom understands that modern Rome at the end of the world is the man of sin, the papal power, and his number is 666. But what Revelation 17 is going to tell us is that this beast that was and is not... the beast that was from 538 to 1798 was, and then it receives a deadly wound in 1798 and is not, but it's going to have its deadly wound that's healed, and when its deadly wound is healed, it's going to be the ace of the seven of the seven mountains on which the woman set it. This enigma of Revelation 17 is identifying the ace that is of the seven as the beast, and the mind that has wisdom, the white virgins understand this, and they understand that the wisdom of Revelation 17 goes with the wisdom of Revelation 13, and that this beast is also the man of sin, and it's typified by Rome. So, what I'm saying is that going back up to the top, this test that we're in right now, it's a prophetic test, and this final controversy has been allowed to come in in order to acquaint us with the reality that anywhere you look at it, it is a prophetic test, and that the only way we can rightly divide the word of the truth in this history is by accessing it and employing the rules that have been given to us in such a fashion that we have enough confidence in them that we can use those rules while exercising faith, okay, because I know there's some of us that understand these things intellectually, but we really couldn't prove it from the word of God, and I'm not trying to speak down to anyone, I'm just identifying the facts of this period of time. In this period of time, the 144 candidates to be the 144,000, they wake up, and what they awaken to is that they are in the middle of a prophetic testing process, and the Lord reveals through his prophetic word all this information about this prophetic testing process that they must assimilate rapidly if they're going to have the oil that they need when probation closes, and this controversy over the United States being the robbers of the people, it was to get us at minimum to see that there's two periods of testing that are the image of the beast, and we need to understand the distinctions between those two before we can even come close to fully understanding what the formation of the image of the beast is, and if we don't understand what the formation, prophetic formation of the image of the beast is, it is certain that we will not form the image of Christ, because this history, these two formations are parallel events, and the Bible's clear that he sanctifies us through his word, and his word is truth, and he is the word, and he's the little book that was opened that John was supposed to take and eat. It's only through eating the diet that he's providing to us at this time that we can understand the formation of the political image of the beast in the United States and the world, and it's that understanding that is brought about through his prophetic word, from finding these truths and confirming them in his prophetic word, that when we make that prophetic word our own, the power of that word transforms us into his image, and the final moments are rapid ones. Shall we pray? Heavenly Father, I hope that my brothers and sisters who are listening to these things that follow the logic, I hope it was clear that we're in a period of time where you're calling on your people to be Bereans that rightly divide the word of truth, that shun vain babblings and genealogies, and that allow the Holy Spirit to be conveyed to us through the reception of the prophetic word, which is the reception of not only your spirit, but of yourself, and we thank you for these things. Thank you for the Sabbath, and we thank you for watching over this Zoom broadcast. In Jesus' name, amen. Thank you, Jeff. Amen, thank you. It's amazing that every one of those histories lead to the same thing. Yes, it's all the same. Yes. Yeah, and I'm convinced that you get drawn into this controversy, and then you begin to see an emphasis upon these lines, and I'm convinced that the emphasis upon these lines is just taken you to a level now to where the other lines that get laid on top of that where they're gonna make sense, have better logic, and things will start clicking, but you have to get to a certain point in the line upon line before you can start bringing these other lines over. I mean, I don't, you know, if I was a teacher and I was gonna ask a test question here, a question I would ask is, do you recognize that the vagueness that is accompanied with most of those people in Adventism who identify the passages in the spirit of prophecy where Sister White speaks of the Sunday Law in the United States, and in the same context talks about the abomination of desolation warning that Jesus gave that allowed the Christians to escape from Jerusalem? And in those passages, Adventists will invariably say that the Sunday Law is the warning that's represented in that history. And if you know the reality of that application, what you find is that the warning comes before the judgment. So those 120 years of warning, then the flood comes. The Lord, from beginning to end, his character is the same. He always gives a warning before he brings judgment. And so the warning to get out of Jerusalem was in the first siege in 66 AD. And when Titus came and did the second siege, forget about it, nobody's getting out of Jerusalem. So to think that the Sunday Law in the United States is the warning for Seventh-day Adventists to get out of the city is to not understand that the warning for Seventh-day Adventists to get out of the city was typified in the history of 1888, and it can be shown as such, and 1888 typified September 11th, 2001. So when you understand that the abomination of desolation that Jesus spoke about as a warning was fulfilled in 1888 with the Blair Bill. And from that point on, Sister White says, we should be living in the country. But up to 1888, she would say, in the near future, we're going to need to go to the country. And the Blair Bill in 1888 was the abomination of desolation standing where it ought not. It was in the halls of Congress, but Rome mysteriously withdrew, okay? And that was in 1888, the Blair Bill. But 1888 and the Blair Bill, on several witnesses, you can show a line with September 11th, 2001. So the Patriot Act of September of 2001 was typified by the Blair Bill, and it becomes the last warning for Seventh-day Adventists. It's the abomination of desolation warning that Jesus spoke of for Seventh-day Adventists to get out of the city. Because when the Sunday Law comes, it's too late to get out of the city. But the Sunday Law, which ends it here in the United States, is the abomination of desolation warning for God's other children outside of the United States who are still in Babylon, okay? So the Sunday Law in the United States is the end of the line for Adventism. They were to accept the warning of 9-11 and flee the city. But the Sunday Law in the United States is also the beginning of the attesting process of the other flock, and it's the abomination of desolation warning for them to flee out of Babylon. And they have a period of time until that final country accepts the final Sunday Law. And my point is that when you're in this discussion about the robbers of thy people, whether it's the United States or Rome, and the people that are saying that the United States are also being really, probably careless is construed as mean-spirited, but I mean it. They're careless about not making the distinction. What they've done is they've destroyed the ability to see this period of time from 9-11, the abomination of desolation warning of Jesus until the Sunday Law, as the first image of the beast-testing gun. And they've destroyed the ability to see that the second image of the beast-testing time that takes place in the world begins with an abomination of desolation warning just as 9-11 gave Adventism one. The fourth verse of Revelation 18, that warning, come out of Babylon, flee. That's the abomination of desolation for the nations of the world, and it goes until the Sunday Law. The histories are parallel, pretty much identical. And that's why I say, when you wake up that you're in a prophetic test, the first thing you have to see is that there's two images of the beast, and if you're not really settled into that, then these other lines, some of which are being mishandled, you're not seeing the, you don't see the logic of it. Once again, I'm not trying to speak down to anyone. I can see that's what's happening. He's trying to get us to a level. And the playing field he wants us to be on is the hidden history of verse 40 from 1989, the Sunday Law. That's where he's wanting to put all these lines, and before he will allow us to go and put the rest of the lines from verse 16 onto verse 40 into that hidden history, he's calling his people to get proficient in the prophetic rules of interpretation that were adopted by this movement and the rules that were adopted by the Millerites. Thank you again for your presentation. Yeah, I'll leave everyone alone now. Happy Sabbath. Happy Sabbath. Were you gonna answer any questions if somebody had one? I was doing what was gonna come, whatever came, but I can answer some questions if people have. Does anybody have a question for Jeff? I have a question. This is Alla. At what point do we lead to the mountains? Because fleeing the cities is not, in my understanding, but I may be mistaken, is not the same as fleeing to the mountains. So we are seeing what's happening in the world on the cities, but it's not the same as fleeing to the mountains. So we are seeing what's happening in the world and in the country, and we're understanding that the process has begun and it's rapidly unfolding. At what point do you flee to the mountains? Well, I'm serious about, I'm gonna answer your question, but take a second. I'm serious about 9-11 being typified by 1888, and I'm serious that 1888 was the abomination of desolation warning by Jesus, and then it gets moved to 9-11. And that's the call for Adventists to get out of the cities. And I have a close, a person that's close to me that hasn't been following the message, but apparently recently started waking up. And what started waking them up is that they watched some documentaries on all the hotels that are filled with illegal aliens in the city. And it clicked on this person that the plan is, you're bankrolling all these, it's incredible right now, the millions of dollars that the government's given to these hotels. But what's gonna happen is they're gonna cut them off. They've been given all this money to spend, credit cards and phones and clothes, and put them in jail. school and housing them in hotels, they're going to cut them off, and then you get to factor in why was the warning to get out of the cities in 9-11? What's going to happen when thousands and thousands of illegal aliens suddenly don't have a place to live, they're in the cities, and they no longer have money? I wonder what's going to happen, okay? So we're supposed to be out of the city by 9-11, and the testimony about getting out in the country is that there's a place, the classic statement where she says, if we're living in the country, we can live as kings and queens during this period of time. Sister White never uses the expression little time of trouble, but it's a correct Adventist label from the Sunday law in the United States until human probation closes when Michael stands up. That's the little time of trouble that precedes the great time of trouble of the seven last plates. And the evidence that you can kind of pull together, maybe people have done it even more thoroughly than I'm aware of, but in general, Sister White infers that if we're living in the country, from the Sunday law, we'll be able to eat two harvests, okay? This is for all of us that have this DNA that we're wanting to do some time setting. But evidently, the way she expresses this, it can be understood that you're going to be out there for maybe a year and a half living in the country before things get so bad and human probation closes. And when human probation closes, then the testimony is that the angels come then and they lead you to these mountain remote spots. So, if you're going to follow that testimony, the way I understand it, you don't ever flee to the mountains except when you're being led by an angel, okay? Now, there may be ways that you're being angelically led through God's providence. I'm not going to argue that. But we're supposed to be in the country, and if we're in the country when national apostasy is followed by national ruin, the national ruin that's going to take place, you know, anyone that has an ounce of common sense, and I realize that from my understanding, at least half this country no longer does, but anyone that has an ounce of common sense knows that more than any other president in the history of the United States, Donald Trump has kept more of his promises than any other, than all the other presidents put together. So, he's going to shut down this industry of illegal aliens, and it's going to produce a nightmare in the city, because things are going to escalate at that period of time. And at some point in time, martial law comes and you close off those roads to the cities. You don't want the chaos in the city that's tearing everything down to escape. In theory, I'm just thinking out loud, but in that period of time, I'm certain that if we're in the country growing our own food that the Lord has promised to bless, and when finally the last nation bows to Rome and Michael stands up, then we're heading into the seven last plagues. And in the book, Experience and Views, I don't remember the page number, Sister White says, she informs us that from the time that Michael stands up and puts on his garments of vengeance until he returns to the earth is a number of days. So, the time that the angels come and lead us out into areas of protection, it's only a number of days, not a number of weeks or months. So, the time period of the seven last plagues, it doesn't go on very long. That's my basic overview of that. Did you hear me? Okay, all right. Yes, thank you. It's amazing how much you have. Happy Sabbath, Elder Jeff. Thank you. Happy. I was going to say you have a large garden to be able to support your family on that garden. Yeah. Are you asking if I have a garden like that? No, I'm just commenting. I'm just commenting. We started a little garden and we put a little bit of time, but it's not producing as much. So, it could be a full-time occupation to maintain a garden and not feed four people. Yeah, it is. I agree. Yeah, and there's, yeah, it's a lot of work. You've got to, hopefully, you're producing more food than just your family can eat because, in theory, there's going to be people that are needing a place to be and needing to be fed. I don't have it, but there's no evidence that I've seen that in that time period when you're living in the country that you're doing isolationism because your probation may very well be close to the Sabbath day Adventist, but there might be some of these Protestants that are living around you that still will listen to the voice of the Lord. So, you'll still be interacting with them. Yeah, I appreciate the presentation, but I just, I've heard it twice now, where you make the idea of the three-fold union within the image of peace in the United States before the Sunday morning in the United States. I would appreciate it if you went over that one more time. Yeah, well, okay. The thing I would hit on, again, just to dwell on this one point is that when you wake up to the fact that you're in this prophetic testing time, one of the first things, if not the first thing you have to understand after you understand you're in a prophetic test, is that there are two images of each testing time, okay? And the more fully you settle into that, then the more fully that you see the characteristics in the history of the world's image of the beast testing time and the characteristics of the image of the beast in the United States. They're interchangeable, and the United States may have a characteristic that isn't directly represented in the world, but together that you can understand it to be there. And so, when you get to that point, then you realize that, okay, the false prophet that is the three-fold union after the Sunday Law, the dragon, the beast, the false prophet, lead the world to Armageddon. The role of false prophet, and this is part of the argument of formation, what element does the false prophet contribute to the three-fold union? Okay, so the role of the false prophet as the false prophet is to deceive the world to set up this image of the beast and accept the mark of this beast. And what's identified in Revelation 13 about how the United States does it is this economic and military strength, okay? You can't buy or sell economics, you're going to be put to death, military strength. So, that tells you that when the same testing process, and that in the – I don't know if you've still got the ability to see your screen, but foreign nations will follow the example of the United States, though she leads out, yet the same crisis will come upon our people in all parts of the world. As America, the land of religious liberty, shall unite with the papacy enforcing the conscience and compelling men to honor the false Sabbath, the people of every country on the globe will be led to follow her example. So, those two witnesses tell me that the United States is a type, okay? And the Greek word typos in 1 Corinthians 11 is translated as in samples, okay? So, the United States is the example of the world, but that's okay, there's lots to get out of that. But one of the things that you can get out of it once you become comfortable with the importance of these two periods is that in the image of the beast in the world, there was a threefold union, okay? So, we know the threefold union that we always talk about comes together at the Sunday log, as Sister White says it a couple of times. And now that we understand verses 13 through 15 of Daniel 11, and if you don't, you need to go in and read them and then look at Daniel Uriah Smith's commentary on those verses, because he's correct there. In those verses, you can see that the threefold union comes together in advance of the Sunday log. And so, it's even providing another witness to the threefold union taking place at the Sunday log, and it's identifying what was the motivation that leads them to come together so quickly at the Sunday log. So, once you know that that threefold union from the Sunday log until the plague is what leads the world to Armageddon, then you understand that the power of those three powers that accomplishes the deception is the United States is the false prophet. Then you have to go back in to the Image of the Beast testing time in the United States, and you have to say, okay, they have an Image of the Beast testing time that led to the close of their probation, because at the Sunday log, the cup of probationary time is filled for the United States. Just as Michael stands up, it's close to probation for the other one. And therefore, it was three powers that led the world to Armageddon. So, what are the three powers that lead the United States to Armageddon, to the close of probation at the Sunday log? And the threefold powers there is the same. It's a dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. But you have to know that symbols have more than one meaning, and they're defined by context. So, in the history of the United States, the United States is not the false prophet that deceives itself, okay? It's not that. It has to be another false prophet. In this history of 9-11 to the Sunday log, which is the Image of the Beast testing time, it's also the history of Islam. It's the three strikes of Islam. The first strike is on 9-11. It's against the spiritual glorious land. The last strike of the third woe is at the Sunday log upon the spiritual glorious land. And the middle strike of the third woe was in Gaza. I forgot the date now. I had the date for a while. October 7th, 2023. And it was the middle of three. So, this whole history of the Image of the Beast time, it's also governed by the truth of Islam, because it's truth. The first is the same as the last. It's both against spiritual glorious land, but the middle one is against the literal glorious land, which is a symbol of rebellion for they crucified the Messiah. No greater symbol of corporate rebellion than that. And so, you've got the signature of truth that this history of the Image of the Beast testing time is also the history of Islam. And then you can also plug in the three strikes of Balaam and his ass, which is the history of Balaam, a false prophet, being led by the false prophet of Islam. So, you've got these other lines coming in here. But what I'm wanting you to see is that Islam is a false prophet in Bible prophecy. And the false prophet in the history of the world's Image of the Beast exercised economic and military force to set up the world's Image of the Beast. Therefore, the false prophet in the history of the United States Image of the Beast testing time, that false prophet will use economic and military force. Now, it's not the same as what the United States does, I'm not saying that, but it is the same, economic and military. The collapse, the economic collapse that followed 9-11, the unstableness of the economy that is often attributed to Islam, and then their military attacks, even if they're small, they're what are angering the nation, okay? And at the same time, it's happened, there's never been fallout that I'm aware of in human history, but there's never been a fallout over the issue of Islam and the Jews as has happened to the Democratic Party. I mean, so the only way that I have, the way that I relate to that is that Islam is the false prophet, and it's using its powers, although its powers are not being made consciously by some imam, its prophetic powers are being exercised by Satan to the extent that God allows them to be exercised, and they're collapsing the Democratic Party to ensure that the Republican Party, this president that is the 8th and that's the 7th, is the one that comes into office because he's the one that is going to implement the final movements of the image of the beast and enforce the Sunday Law. So the three powers that lead the United States to Armageddon, to the close of probation, is the dragon, it's the Republican horn, it's the government of the United States, and it's the beast. The beast is the apostate church, the apostate woman, and the apostate woman of the United States is apostate Protestantism, and the false prophet in this history is not the United States, it's Islam fulfilling its role of leading the United States to the close of its probationary times, as it's doing history's existence. So anyway, that's my answer. It takes more than one time going through to keep it solidified in your mind, but it did help. Thank you. Appreciate it. This is exactly what I think we all need to be doing. These lines have to become second nature to it, and you'll find it's these two periods. It's the period, the first three verses of Revelation 18, and then verse 4 onward. It's Christ witnessing to the cross, and then from the cross to the stoning of Stephen. It's over and over again, it's these two periods, and they are, among other things, they are the image of the beast testing time, representing that these two periods are the final test. Brother Jeff, I wanted to ask you a quick question. It's so unclear in my mind. You know, if you think about the threefold union, then in the role that the false prophet plays, the false prophet does the bidding of the beast power, right? And so when we're talking about that threefold union within the United States, how is it that the false prophet, Islam, would be doing the bidding of the beast power? I guess that would be then the Protestant form within the United States. Because that's what I'm trying to clarify in my mind, and I can't quite understand it. Well, I want to make sure that when I answer this that I'm not copying out. There's a point in the passage where she says, the Lord will allow heresies come in to arouse us to search deeper. And she goes on towards the end of that paragraph and says, we should not use arguments that aren't sound. So I want to make sure that I'm saying this and not giving you a weak argument, because I haven't thought about all these ideas that you're bringing up. What you're saying is that in the world, the United States, the false prophet, has been typified by Jezebel and Herodias, who those two lines teach us that the papacy at the end of the world is the mother of harlots, and the United States is one of the daughters of the harlot, okay? So she's controlling and directing Herodias, she's controlling and directing the prophets of Baal and the priests of the grove. Therefore, how is it that apostate Protestantism, who I would align with the beast within the United States, and how is it that they are directing the activity of Islam in fulfilling its role of leading the world to the Sunday law? That's what you're asking, right? Yes. Okay, so I don't think it has to be, and this is the part I worry about, but I tried to dodge the question. I don't think it has to be that direct prophetically. And what I mean is that what's happening with this relationship in the United States, and by the way, I haven't put in here, but it's been in the articles and we've taught it for years and years and years, the threefold union that I'm addressing in the history of the United States, it's the threefold union that is associated with the bottomless pit, okay? Islam comes from the bottomless pit. Atheism comes from the bottomless pit. And in Revelation 17, papalism comes from the bottomless pit. So those aren't the same three powers that are in Revelation 16, but two of them are the same, the dragon and the beast, but they have different false prophets. But the thing that allows you to place these three bottomless pit powers in the history of the United States is that the history that we're living in, one of the foundational lines for it is Revelation 11, okay? Revelation 11 is where the beast of atheism comes up out of the bottomless pit. So that history is within 9-11 to the Sunday Law, but you can go in and you can show, and I'm sure in an article we did where these three bottomless pit powers are active in this history. So because they're active, what I'm getting to now, this is the part that you need to be careful of, is that it doesn't require the Protestants to have direct control over the activities of Islam. If Islam is fulfilling the same providential work through the same two providential attributes, economic and military might, the economic and military might of the United States as the false prophet in the history of the world image of the beast is different than the economic and military might of Islam in the history of the United States. The economic might of the United States in the world image of the beast is because they got the most money. But the economic power of Islam in the history of the United States is because they are bankrupting people by their activities. It's still an economic power, but it operates on a different way, and the same with the military might of the United States. It's open and in your face, whereas the military threat of Islam in the history of the United States is secretive, it's assassin, it's surprise attack. But it's still effective in its own way, and the fallout that has come from portions of the Democratic Party choosing to turn against the Jews and support the Muslims and the other Democrats standing on the fence and then the other Democrats choosing Muslims over the Jews or whatever, I said, vice versa, it's collapsed. I mean, I don't know if you have the faith to realize it, but there's no way that Donald Trump doesn't win this election. And once you settle on that from God's prophetic word, if you're settled that God's prophetic word truly is teaching that Donald Trump is going to be the eighth president of the seven since Ronald Reagan, and that this is all a valid understanding from God's word, then you have the prophetic – you've reached the prophetic position where you can start asking yourself, okay, what was it that caused this to happen? And part of what caused it to happen was Islam, because it eliminated any kind of resistance to the rise of the Republican Party that's about to take place. And that's what these articles have been saying at a different level is that the dragon is given to the beast, that the Democratic Party at that level is the dragon, the Republicans the beast. It collapses. But you can't – historically you can't look at it and not recognize that Islam contributed to that collapse by dividing a party that was already falling apart across the board. So what I'm saying is, my answer is, is that I don't need to see a direct dialogue going on between the apostate Protestant churches in the United States and the Islamic organizations around the world. It's still fulfilling the economic and military attributes of the false prophet in the image of the beast in the world, and it is what produces the environment that began with the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act is a symbol of switching from English law to Roman law, and it was thrust upon this country based upon the premise of Islam. And that's the history of the image of the beast at any time. Their activities are preparing the way for the coming together of church and state, and they will strike again at the Sunday law, but there's no reason to demand that they're not going to strike before then. That's what they are. But anyway, that's how I don't see – go ahead. So I was just going to say it's almost like God is using Islam without maybe even them realizing it in the role of the false prophet to uplift their gender of the beast. When you think on a world scale, you know that the false prophet in the United States purposefully uplifts the beast, but on the smaller scale within the United States, Islam may not be aware, but God is using them to fulfill the same role, to do the beating of the beast by bringing – by uplifting the false, you know, agenda of the Republican – I mean of the evangelical Protestant horn. That's kind of what I'm kind of trying to understand, it seems like, what you're saying. The one thing that you're saying that makes sense to me is that prophetically you can show just at a very straightforward fashion that Islam angers the nation and leads to the circumstances that this one world government implemented. I mean, it's when Islam destroys the shifts of Tarshish, the economic collapse of the world, all falls apart. So they're definitely there accomplishing that work in Bible prophecy, and it just left me where I was going with that. So I have to leave it at that. I'm sorry. It probably clicks back on in a second. Oh, that's what it was. Okay. So you can show that Islam is prophetically leading the world to a Sunday law, leading the United States to a Sunday law. But so is apostate Protestantism. They're going to push the Sunday law. So here's my point. I mean, in the work of apostate Protestantism in pushing a Sunday law, Sister White has statements where she says, the leaders of this movement do not now know where they're tending and they're gonna awaken too late. Okay, so she's had, and that's not word for word, but it's close. She comments that those that are leading out for Sunday legislation, they don't know what they're doing. That's similar to some of the people in Advent history. She says, they can't reason from cause to effect. So to project that prophetic reality of the apostate Protestantism on Islam, I think is valid. They don't know what they're doing. They don't understand where they're leading the world, but nevertheless, they are. I got it, thank you. Also in regards to your original question, I think you could consider the fact that in a triple application of prophecy, not every specification is fulfilled. So in the third row, which is what we're talking about essentially, you don't always have every specification being fulfilled. Just at the top. Brother Larry, sorry, go ahead. No, no, no, I'm good. Yeah, I was gonna ask Jeff, I was thinking about what you just said, but we also know that Islam, every man's hand will be against him and his hand will be against every man. And it's the fastest growing religion in the world. If you just look at what's going on in England, for instance, they're directing so much of the legislation and how they're managing their country is about the influx of the religion that is causing such havoc, the ideology of that. And also that we essentially funded radical Islam. We put together the basis of what's happening in the world under radical Islam when we were trying to manage Afghanistan in 1989, or right at 1989. So those would go along with the idea of Islam being the false prophet that's engaged with the United States. But my question was in Daniel 11 verses two and three, you had made mention of Greece being the first king of the North, being the Seleucid king, who equals or is equivalent to Antiochus. And so when we look at Daniel 11, two, the Greece that shows up there, last night we were looking at your, I keep wanting to call them lectures, your articles. Thank you, Michelle. The article 191, and I was trying to understand, and maybe you can help explain how Trump is Ahasuerus, and he's the one who brings the death decree. Does the death decree happen under the National Sunday Law, or is that only under a Worldwide Sunday Law? And who is Greece equivalent to in those texts? How do we understand Trump as the eighth, but we're placing him as Xerxes, which is effectively the sixth president as the one who brings the World Sunday Law? Do you understand what I'm asking or the question that's in there? Yeah, I don't remember what I wrote in 191, but maybe I wasn't clear then. Maybe I was always clear, or maybe I had a development of understanding as I wrote the articles, and I didn't even catch myself making it. But now as I understand it, I usually teach the verse two takes you up to Trump's first election. It stops there. That was my understanding. Takes it to 2020, Biden's election. It doesn't go any further. And I will say then that it creates a hidden history from there until the mighty king, that is Alexander the Great, stands up in verse three. And I will say that Alexander the Great is the United Nations, and they stand up as the seventh kingdom for a short space at the end of time. And they do so at the Sunday Law in the United States. So I claim that verse two takes you to Biden's election in 2020, and it continues until Alexander the Great, which is the Sunday Law. Okay. But I don't know what I put in article 191. Yeah, no, that's how I was basically understanding it. And so that's good to get some clarification on that. Do you know if there's any support that there's a death decree in the National Sunday Law, or is that just under the World Sunday Law? No, I don't think there's a death decree in... I don't know of any logical argument that I could think of that would identify a death decree at the Sunday Law in the United States, but there is a death decree there because based upon these two periods, from 9-11 to the Sunday Law, the image of the beast testing time in the United States, and from that very same Sunday Law until the human probation closes is the testing time of the image of the beast in the world. So I don't see any evidence of the Sunday Law in the United States having any kind of element of the threat of death. If you do it now, we're gonna put you to death. But there is a death there because what's going on there is the judgment first of the 144,000 until the Sunday Law, and then the judgment of the 11th hour workers who's a great multitude, or John the Baptist, however you wanna represent him, during the image of the beast testing time for the world. So the death that takes place at the Sunday Law in the United States is the spiritual death of all those that will be held accountable through the light of Sabbath and all the truths associated with it. They're those that are overthrown in verse 41 of Daniel 11. So there's a spiritual death there that is typifying the death decree when human probation closes. That would be how I understood it, and I'm pretty sure. So receiving the mark of the beast, basically. 9-11, you've got the baptism of Christ and the Sunday Law at the cross, and the stoning of Stephen is when Michael stands up, you go back to the cross, you've got death and resurrection, you go back to 9-11, you've got death and resurrection. I'm sure that's right. Anyway. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank you. I'd like to add, but if I could, it seems to me that you do have hidden history in verse two, and when, and that history is a history relating to Ahasuerus, who did produce a death decree, and it was done because he was being influenced by Haman, who was influenced by his wife and his 10th son. So you can't see the, you can't help but see the connection with the threefold union at the end of the world. And I see it as the hidden history. And when you consider that Trump is going to be the leader of the 10 kings at the end of this world's history, I don't see why you can't apply that to the death decree, the universal death decree. So then what you're saying is, go ahead. What I have, if I'm under, I'll tell you what I think I understood you to say, and I'll say it the way I understand it, because I think we agree, but you can tell me if I'm wrong, is that you have the prophetic authority to identify that hidden history. You've got Ahasuerus, the richest king that stirs up the globalists, Donald Trump, sixth president, and he does this stirring up from the announcement of his candidacy in 2015 until the election is stolen from him in 2020. So all those characteristics are at the beginning of a hidden history. So all those characteristics need to be reflected in the end of the hidden history, because Jesus always illustrates the end for the beginning. So when you get to verse three, the mighty king that stands up through other lines, I would claim, is Donald Trump as he's taking authority over the United Nations. And he would then have the attributes of Ahasuerus and going to stir up all the realm of Grecia. And the way that he stirs it up from the Sunday law in verse three onwards is he begins going out and forcing the whole world to pass Sunday laws and set up a world in which there's a peace. And his military and economic strength is represented at the beginning and ending of that hidden history. So is that what you're saying? I think what I'm trying to say is that I see Daniel 11 verse two, taking you to the death decree, the universal death decree. And then I see the verse three, adding another line that shows you a little more about it, saying that after the death decree, you can see that the threefold union is gonna be divided to the four winds. Yeah, but it makes... The problem I would have with that, but it may be right. I've never thought these thoughts before. These are your thoughts. The problem that I would have with that is that it takes you to the fourth. She'll be far richer than they all, all, okay? So it takes you to Trump, the richest president, and it takes you to where he stirs up all against the realm of Gratia. So he creates this argument between MAGA, Trumpism, and the globalists, both in the United States and the world. It takes you to there and it leaves you. And you're suggesting that, no, this president is identified. Now, here's what he does at the end of the world. But by just projecting it to the end of the world, I think you're glossing over this history that's hidden, that teaches the enigma that the wise understand that the eighth is of the seven. It's not supposed to be. It's supposed to only go to the fourth. But the fourth typifies the eighth, which is Alexander the Great in verse three. So it carries all the way. That's the beginning of the image of the testing time in the world. So it carries all the way to the close of probation because the end is always illustrated by the beginning. Yeah, I see that. My only thought was that there had to have been a reason that Gabriel stopped at Xerxes the Great. And the mere fact that you go to the book of Esther, it seems like that shows you what the hidden history is. That's all I was thinking. But I can see where you're coming from dealing with the fourth kingdom being also the eighth kingdom. And the 14th bringing that in, yeah, I see that. Yeah, I see that. So in Prophets and Kings 6.05, it says, the trying experience that came to God's people in the days of Esther were not peculiar to that age alone. The revelator looking down the ages to the close of time has declared the dragon was wroth as well and went to make war with the seed, which keeps the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Some who today. day are living on the earth will see those words fulfilled. The same spirit that in the age past led men to persecute the true Church will in the future lead to the pursuance of a similar course toward those who maintain their loyalty to God. Even now preparations are being made for the last great conflict. The decree that will finally go forth against the remnant people of God will be very similar to that issued by Ahasuerus against the Jews. Today the enemies of the true Church see in the little company keeping the Sabbath commandment a Mordecai in the gates. The reverence of God's people for his law is a constant rebuke to those who have cast off the fear of the Lord and are trampled on his Sabbath. She makes a direct, and we've made the observation, that there's a direct correlation between what we're experiencing, what I believe these verses are pointing to, this time of Trump and Biden and so on, as being comparable to Ahasuerus' decree that he made against the Jews. If we're looking at Greece here, we're stopping at Trump, but there's a hidden section and then we're able to look at Ahasuerus and how that's fulfilled when Trump becomes the eighth, it's of the seven. Is that picked up in verse 3? Is that what we're saying? The mighty king that stands up in verse 3 is Greece. And Greece, literal Greece, represents spiritual Greece. Okay, literal Medo-Persia represents spiritual Medo-Persia, which is the United States. Right? Right. Babylon, spiritual Babylon, in the eight kings in Daniel chapter 2. So Greece, the third kingdom, is the seventh kingdom. The mighty king that stood up in Greece was Alexander the Great, and he's identifying the mighty king that stands up in the spiritual third kingdom, which is the seventh kingdom. And the seventh kingdom is the ten kings who agree to give their kingdom unto the beast for a short space. The argument that I understand, to be correct, is that the mighty king that stands up there is the first to commit fornication with the whore of Rome in this particular history. And that was accomplished first by the United States. And they're the mighty king that has been typified by Ahab, the king of the ten northern tribes. So that mighty king is Trump. The United States has just passed the Sunday Law. It ceases to be the sixth kingdom of Bible prophecy. The threefold union comes together where the United Nations rules for a short space in which, in the period of time, evidently, Donald Trump is somehow acknowledged as the premier, or the United States is acknowledged as the premier king of all the kings represented in the United Nations. And they agree to give their authority to the papacy and rule with great dominion and do according to his will. And when they stand up, his kingdom shall be broken and shall be divided toward the four wings of heaven. So at the very time that they're standing at the threefold union, they're being brought down the same way that the Tower of Babel was being brought down before it was finished. And being scattered to the four wings of heaven is identifying the attack of Islam that is going to ensue at the Sunday Law. And from my reading of Genesis and the prophecy of Ishmael, I think it's maybe a tad naive to think that some of the actual Arab nations that are Islamic pretend to never be sympathetic with the radical Islam. They're going to be involved, because it says that his spirits will dwell on all the brethren, not some of the brethren, all the brethren. Yeah, I agree with that. So first the United States, then the world. Part of that would have to be that we're dealing with radical Islam. That's part of the reason we're going to bring a national Sunday Law. But in so doing, we collapse. We're the head of the ten nations. I'm not saying that Islam is what produces—I don't have a problem saying Islam leads to the Sunday Law, but the way you said it, it made it sound like they're going to attack us and force us into the Sunday Law. I don't know that—I'm not sure of that. I'm saying that the political and economic and religious dynamics that need to be in place for the United States to reach a point to where church and state come together, it's already underway. It's rolling full speed ahead, and Islam has contributed to that, even if they don't have another surprise attack in the United States. It sounded like you were identifying one that preceded the Sunday Law, and I think, based on Revelation 11, that it's at or immediately after the Sunday Law that they hit in earnest. Yeah, all I'm trying to infer with Islam is that they're part of the impetus as being one of the threefold union. If we're saying that part of the threefold union in the United States is Islam is the false prophet, then they have some role that they're playing, whether it's the development of the Patriot Act or whatever it is that eradicates our rights and does away with the Constitution so they can enact this Sunday Law, whatever that is, they're part of it. They're part of the rollout of the national Sunday Law. When they do that, it's partially in response to that, but when that brings down the nation, and of course, there's the economics, I think the economics will have a role. When Trump becomes the head of the United Nations, my understanding is part of the reason that they asked the Pope to join with them as a spiritual leader is to deal with radical or Islam, as you say. I mean, we can call it radical Islam, but I agree with you that if you follow the Quran and you're Islamic, whatever, however you want to say that, they're all going to participate. That is part of the thing that brings the Pope into the picture to become the 8th of the 7th. Would that be, am I saying? And then the East Wind wipes out the financial structure of that Islam, causing the kings of the earth to lament and cry out, who is like this great city, Babylon, who is like this great city, Babylon, and the ships of Tarshish are going down, and that national policy is followed by national ruin. It begins in earnest there that the judgments are going to be all over the place, including the Islamic attack. Okay. It's kind of hard to believe, but who would have thought that what goes on in the news today, five years ago, who would have thought that these kind of things would be going on in the world? It's definitely out of hand, but the heads are going to be scared. Yeah. Before you get off, Brother Henry had his hand up. Henry, are you still there? I guess he's not. Hello. Can you hear me? Yes. Okay. I was about to ask a question concerning the Petra Act at 9-11-2001. My question is, I need more emphasis on how the Petra Act has contributed more on the beginning of the formation of the image of the beast, because I think Ellen White talks about the Protestant churches seeking power from the state, from the authority to enforce law on their dogmas. So my question is, how is it the Petra Act playing more emphasis on the dogmas, or is it not about religious movements? I just want to know. I need more clarification on that. Do I have some understanding? Because I know that 9-11, there are a lot of prophetical establishments there, but I need more emphasis on how it has contributed to the dogmas of the Protestants, I mean the churches. Okay. Yeah. The way I understand it is that the Patriot Act is an act that for the first time in history, and I say the first time in history, I shouldn't say that. It's probably been in the history of the United States before in some of the actions during the Civil War and World War II. But in any case, it's an action that created a legal justification for using the philosophy of Roman law instead of English law. And the difference, the basic difference between these two systems of law, English law and Roman law, is that in Roman law, you're guilty until proven innocent, and in English law, you're innocent until proven guilty. And the Patriot Act provided for removal of the protections of the Constitution where they can just go and arrest you and put you away without letting you have proper legal representation. They can do whatever you want. Habeas corpus is removed. And it was a point, it was a publication at that point in time, and that point in time was when the great buildings of New York City came down, and according to Sister White, that that's when the Angel of Revelation 18 comes down. So, that particular waymark is illustrated in various places, and one of them is in 1888. And in 1888, at the Minneapolis Conference, in that year, a senator named Blair, I forget his first name, introduced for the first time in American history a law to make Sunday a national day of breath. It didn't pass, of course, and he tried a few other after that, but in 1888, the Blair Bill was passed. And what that does, among other things, is it identifies that the waymark that 1888 represents, which is easy to ascertain because Ellen White said that at the general conference session in 1888, the Angel of Revelation 18, that lightens the whole earth with his glory, came down. So, he came down in 1888, and what he found was rebellion, but he came down again at 9-11, okay? The same angel, Angel of Revelation 18, and at that point, the Blair Bill, which had been an attempt to make Sunday the day of rest for the entire nation, was introduced. It never succeeded, but it brings that prophetic characteristic to September 11, 2001. And in 2001, the publication, the legal publication that has been typified by the Blair Bill is the Patriot Act, okay? So, in the history of the United States, there are three primary publications, pronouncements, whatever, three places where the United States spake. The speaking of a nation is the action of its legislative and judicial authorities, and the third of those was in 1798. And in 1798, the United States begins its time to be the sixth kingdom of Bible prophecy, and that time Ends at the sunday law So if you go back to the beginning Of the period that the united states is a kingdom of bible prophecy from 1798 into the sunday law in 1798 There was a series of laws enacted called the alien and sedition act and before that in 1789 The constitution of the united states was spoken just as the alien sedition acts were spoken in 1798 And in 1776 the united states spoke the declaration of independence This is bears the signature of truth because the signature of truth is three way marks That are represented by the first 13th and last letter of the hebrew alphabet And when those three letters are put together, they form the hebrew word truth and in invariably the First letter of the hebrew alphabet and the last letter of the hebrew alphabet are telling the same thing Because they represent alpha and omega beginning and ending And the first publication in 1776 was declaring the independence of the united states And the last publication before the united states became a kingdom of bible prophecy was the aliens and sedition acts which were a Titanic set of rules that removed the independence Of the united states should they be fully implemented and kept because it just formed a dictatorship so in that history from 1776 to 1798 in the middle you have a publication the The constitution Of the united states and it was ratified by 13 colonies And it took place 13 years after 1776 And it represents the 13th letter of the hebrew alphabet. The hebrew alphabet is 22 letters long and From 1776 to 1798 you have 22 years and the middle publication Is 13 on two witnesses those that colonies that ratified it and the The 13th letter of the hebrew alphabet and 13 years after 1776 So in the history that precedes The beginning of the united states you have three publications That are going to illustrate the ending of the united states The ending of the united states begins at 1811 with the patriot act a publication That was typified by the blair bills of 1888 a bill that was typified by the declaration of independence in 1776 of which the patriot act and the blair bill are direct contradictions of When you get to the Sunday law, which would be the third way mark in this history of three steps You will have the the actual sunday law and it will have been typified by the alien and sedition acts of 1798 thus the beginning of the united states 1798 is representing the end of the united states and the alien and sedition acts in 1798 had to do with giving the president of the united states the authority to determine what Which media outlets were acceptable? He's going to be able to shut down any media outlet that he doesn't like and To define who is a legal immigrant and who isn't And to have the authority to deport those now, that's the laws That were written in 1798 at the beginning of the united states and in the history of 1776 to 1798 these three speakings Three times the united states folk Are representing three times the united states speaks Leading to the end of the united states, which is the sunday law typified by the alien and sedition acts And the ending of the united states begins at 9 11 With the declaration of independence that is denied by the blair bill in 1888 That is undermined by the patriot act changing the the philosophy of law from english law of the constitution to roman law of catholicism and in the middle of that history you have a A way mark that has been typified By the Constitution of the united states and I contend that the constitution of the united states Received the primary beating because the patriot act of 9 11 undermined the basic philosophy of it but what The pelosi trials did immediately after biden was elected Uh with this these kangaroo courts and the law fair that was brought against donald trump and saying that but Those kangaroo courts were direct denial of the constitution of the united states and they aligned with that that way mark of 13 and therefore what i'm saying is is on this Period of time the image of the beast testing time from 9 11 to the sunday law the reason that the patriot act is A characteristic of 9 11 is it's identifying that the the primary philosophy That guided those that wrote the constitution of the united states That being english law was overturned And it still remains in force to this very day and there are other Lines um That you can put over this that shows other speakings in that history there had to be Something spoken at 9 11 because of all the testimonies of the speaking For instance from 9 11 to the sunday law You got you got balaam and his ass when he gets to The sunday law the ass speaks. Okay, that's at the third way mark That's the last way mark the first way mark when balaam and the ass Our first illustrated is 9 11 Jesus illustrates the end from the beginning if there's a speaking at the end there has to be a speaking at the beginning The ass speaks at the sunday law the united states speaks at the sunday law Those demand that there's some kind of speaking which is an action of the legislative and judicial authorities in the context of the Of the united states, this is the second beast in revelation 13 and the patriot act is that Is that fulfillment I hope that helps But it's airtight Brother jeff, you've been on here three hours now. There are still Pardon me. There are still two hands up. But if you Okay, this is the last two questions john go ahead Thank you brother jeff so much for uh the light that's being brought forth, uh on this sabbath day, amen, um, I just want to highlight that one uh part that you mentioned Because I know that there are a lot of people who are being blessed by what you've just said particularly about the uh, the light uh With regard to the death decree. Um Thank you so much for for that and I would get my The part i'd like to ask you to To just kind of confirm maybe elaborate uh when trump goes to the un and the uh I believed in other another sermon that you may have said There's a disagreement or they need to Seek counsel so they bring papacy in At that point That's when we have the death decree. That's my question. Is that when the death decree comes about? The technically when you trace the death decree it actually comes after the close of probation But but since when sister white's commenting on it she said this is a paraphrase but this is what she says Is but in anticipation of the The advanced and still future of the death decree people will begin to act upon the death decree Intent even before that date arrived so you know When it was such a white has a principle that When it comes to her writing time and circumstances need to be considered and the same thing with the scriptures There's no difference on the scriptures And it's hard to tell When and where Blood is going to get shed over this issue because Is corrupted as the united states? is now an apostate protestant is it's still The strongest protestant country in the world part, you know, there may be some small Countries in africa that are christian nations that are maybe stronger population-wise. I don't know but my point is is that When the united states fall and then sister white says every country on the globe is going to be led to follow her example I've been I spent a lot of time in south america in hardcore catholic countries And they're going to be much more zealous and much more quick to respond to catholic law when they're given opportunity than we Are here in the united states, I would think just from human logic. So when blood really starts to flow Who knows I know this you don't want to be in the cities. You don't want to be in the city Amen Well, thank you John monday, this is the last question You there john? Yes. I'm here. Can you hear me? Well, that was you I got your hand up over here on another. Oh, Yeah, I I like to use my phone too. So i'm counting two people. You confused me My wife's listening so really we are two people but okay listening so All right, uh liberty and then this is the last question Hello I guess she's not there. She might not have heard you say or not You We can hear you I can hear you I can hear you. Okay. I can't hear you. Okay. I wanted to ask. Um When we are talking about uh, science 11 verse one and two And in reference to the book of esther Why should we Put these Mysteries together. I know they're speaking of the same individual but I'm looking at it in the sense that once we go to the book of esther It's highlighting a different aspect of The history of the Of uh the military Which might not necessarily within our history be the same individual if we then take for instance to say that um This what becomes the character and he says Uh a Against the horror of gracia We cannot therefore go to the book of esther and read the history of the book of esther with the story of mordecai trying to in the same history within the same individual that If therefore there then means that that same history must produce Because That's that's uh, as well as in the book of esther that's uh I'm looking at these two histories uh typifying two different aspects which might not necessarily be Within the history of some or the history of the same individual That's my trick Hey I, what I heard was in and out, like an echo, so I tried to understand the question, but I didn't get it. So, if someone heard the question and can, in a nice, concise fashion, summarize it for me, I can take a shot at it, but I know we were talking about Daniel Levin and, but I don't know. Anyone help? Okay, maybe my earpiece is giving a wrong feedback. My short response and also question would be, why then should we put the history of the Book of Esther, which speaks of the day's decree that we recognize under the history of Esther, Mordecai, and Ahasuerus, but then why should we then say that is being typified also under the same individual from the Book of Daniel, chapter 11, verse 2, where we talk about the fourth of the kings being the first Richard, in the sense that are we not seeing a different dimension of the history, which might not necessarily be under the same individual? It might not necessarily be the history of the fourth being far richer, but it's also bringing the aspect of the day's decree, how it takes, how it unfolds in the Book of Esther, which might not necessarily, within our history, which might not necessarily be the history of Daniel, chapter 2. Daniel, chapter 2, is bringing a different dimension, which might not necessarily be the same history being typified in the Book of Esther. That's my take and my question, that why we then putting it that, okay, if it's Ahasuerus in chapter 2 of Daniel, of chapter 11, sorry, should it therefore be the same individual in the Book of Esther? You say it both has to be Trumb, Trumb in Daniel, chapter 11, and Trumb in the Book of Esther. That's my question. Yeah, I would think that it would have to be the same individual, but if you're also commenting on the justification for breaking the history at the fourth president and moving on to the first king of Greece and suggesting that that fourth president is the same person, if you're commenting on that, I would say that the prophetic logic for doing that is that in the first verse of Daniel 11, you've got Darius giving a second witness to the time of the end, okay? Cyrus and Darius both are marked, and in so doing, they become two symbols of the time of the end, and you invariably have two symbols of the time of the end. So without spending a lot of time on that, that requires that you bring there the time of the end that is established in verse 1 of Daniel 11 to 1989, and in 1989, the kingdom of the Medes and Persians, the two-horned kingdom of the Medes and Persians that's typified in the United States at the end of the world, and the United States at the end of the world in 1989, that president that was illustrated in that history would have been Ronald Reagan, or, I mean, Bush, and there would be yet three, and then the fourth would be Trump, who's far richer than they all are. And so when you're applying that passage to the last days, in the last days, it takes you to the point where Trump stirs up all of Gratia, but it doesn't address the story of Trump that is encoded in Revelation 17 and Revelation 13's two horns, and in Daniel chapter 2, that as he is the president that repeats the formation of the image of the beast as is done in the world, that he will also be under the enigma of the eighth being of the seven, as is the Protestant horn at the same time, that requires that you take that type of light and connect it with verse 2 of Daniel 11, which is beginning the sequence of presidents from Reagan and Bush onward, and it lets you lay that over the top, and it plugs in the history of Trump getting re-elected and being the eighth of the seven in advance of who Alexander the Great represents at the end of the world, the United Nations. But because he's been typified by that fourth president that's far richer than all the others and he's an usher, he's going to carry those characteristics through with him prophetically wherever he ends up. And I thoroughly agree with what Larry was reading. Sister White's clear that Ahasuerus' decrees are illustrations of the end of the world. But I guess I have to leave it at that. I don't know if I could address exactly what you wanted, but I know I'm running out of energy mentally-wise. All right. Well, then let's let you go. All right. Have a good Sabbath, everyone. Amen. You too. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you, Jeff. Happy Sabbath. Thank you, Jeff. Happy Sabbath, everybody. Thank you.